I had woken up early to spend a few hours studying at the public library before meeting my Dutch class there for a walking tour of the city. Just minutes after leaving my study space, I realized I left my phone there. When I went back for it, it was gone. I asked two employees and a security guard if someone had turned in a phone. They all looked at me like I was stupid. Awesome.
Phoneless, I met my class for the walking tour. We then spent the next two hours on what would have been a highly interesting historical tour of Amsterdam if it hadn't been freezing and pouring rain the entire time. I really shouldn't complain about this. I insisted on not wearing boots when I got dressed that morning. My toes have since regained feeling, but they have not forgiven me.
Arriving back in my warm apartment, I was surprised to see my roommate home when she was supposed to have been out with a friend. She told me that she made it about three blocks on her bike in the rain and decided it was not going to happen.
Yeah, then the day got better and we ate lots of food and watched Sherlock Holmes with our building. Particularly considering the food consumed, this part of the day was really more "whale" than "fail."
As we were getting ready for bed, we heard the familiar rhythmic knock of one of our hallmates. He had been locked out of his room and needed to stay the night. (NOTE: our doors lock automatically behind us and we are not allowed to call on the RAs past 9 pm) It turns out, he had had a girl over to his place for a dinner date and, just seconds after a perfect goodbye, he noticed she had left her mittens. He ran down the hall and caught her just in time to hand her the mittens...and to hear his door shut, locked, behind him. Shoeless. Phoneless. He ended the date on an awkward note and spent the night on our cushions.
Honestly, despite the FMyLife.com theme of the day, it was truly an enjoyable day. I mean, really, who can complain when your roommate specially makes you soy milk pudding?
Pictures from top to bottom:
1. K & L (Kate and Lauren) eat T-Giving (Thanksgiving). A documentary drawing by Kate Bristol.
2. When he's drunk, the Lorax thinks he can speak to the trees. Pfft, weirdo.
3. I really got dealt the letters "OMGITIS," in that order, during a game of Words with Friends.
4. My carry-on bag to Amsterdam consisted almost entirely of cheetos.
5. A worm (or, perhaps, a noodle) at Mr. Chopsticks in Denton.
One more fail:
I'm going to be continuing my streak of being M.I.A. on this blog until about Saturday as I'm working on a project that is wholly consuming my life. I'm talking the not eating, sleeping or changing clothes level of devotion. To those who read my blog to be assured that I'm alive and well, know that the alive part still stands while I'm not blogging this week.